Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Invitation

Dear Dame Julie Andrews,

You are cordially invited to tea with me at the location of your choice in Southern California on a date and time of your choosing. As your schedule is quite likely to be far busier than mine, I am very flexible on these details.

Having tea with you is, quite simply, on my list of dreams which I would like to see come into reality. As we are not currently in the same social circle and the paper invitation which I sent apparently had an incorrect address, I am hoping that maybe you or one of your staff will stumble upon this blog.

I hope to have the opportunity to discuss with you, in person and over the aforementioned tea, how your passions have shaped your path in life and how you identify and pursue your dreams as well as your choices in the midst of being a wife, mother, and professional. On the other hand, simply to chat and have a good cuppa would be my dream come true.

Thank you for entertaining the notion of accepting this invitation.


Carole Meyer-Rieth

P.S. If you or your staff wish for more information about me, I can be found at, although lately I have not written consistently there.